P. Moacir Goulart de Figueredo MSC – Provincial Curitiba

Moacir Goulart de Figueredo, MSC

Province: Curitiba
Country: Salto do Lontra – PR – Brazil
Date of Birth: September 30, 1965
Parents: Deoclécio Goulart de Figueredo and Maria Olivia Ghislere Girardi
Entrance into the Seminary: February 18, 1981 – Seminary São José – Fco. Beltrão – PR.
First Vows: February 1, 1987
Final Vows: 2nd February 1990.
Diaconate: January 12, 1991.
Ordination: November 16, 1991
Speaks: Portuguese, Spanish
Understands: Portuguese, Spanish

Academic studies:
Bachelor’s degree in philosophy (1984 – 1987) and theology (1987 to 1990). Master’s degree in missiology (1992-1995). Specialization in pastoral accompaniment.

1990 to 1996 – Accompanist of theology students and Parish Vicar – Sao Paulo.
1996 to 2001 – Missionary in Ecuador and Parish Vicar in Chunchi – Chimborazo – Ecuador.
2001 to 2007 – Pro-Provincial Superior in Curitiba – PR – Brazil and Parish Vicar.
2007 to 2016 – Accompanying the formands of the MSC Section in Ecuador and parochial vicar – Quito.
2016 to 2022 – Parish Priest of El Buen Pastor Parish – Quito – Ecuador.
2022 – Provincial Superior of the Province of Curitiba – PR – Brazil.

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