General House outing. Photo gallery
Some photos during the lunch gathering at the General House in Via Asmara, Rome.
Some photos during the lunch gathering at the General House in Via Asmara, Rome.
Read Pope Francis’ Message to the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart at their 26th General Chapter in Rome. Available for download in English, French, and Spanish.
Some photos during the audience with Pope Francis at the Vatican.
Al recibir a los participantes en el 26º Capítulo General de los Misioneros del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús el Papa Francisco los invitó, como su fundador, el padre Chevalier, a implicarse en las muchas miserias e injusticias que se renuevan en el mundo, la situación de los pobres y los migrantes. “Manifiesten la misericordia de Jesús – fue su llamamiento – a través de su bondad”
In his address to the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Pope Francis emphasized the importance of knowing Christ through the Gospel, deepening understanding through fraternal sharing, and proclaiming His love joyfully in their mission. He encouraged them to embrace compassion and tenderness in their interactions, and above all, to sustain their mission with prayer.