The ninth day of the 26th MSC General Chapter was the first of the two-day process for the Election of the Superior General of the Congregation. It was a day dedicated to discernment and began, as in previous days, with the Communal Wisdom Prayer (Acts 15,22-31). The day was hosted by Simione Volavola.

Joe and Frances, facilitators, led the discernment process, this time with a question for reflection in the morning inviting the capitulants to ask themselves, “What, God, are You asking of the Congregation today and into the future?“.

In the afternoon, in the first session, the question was “What kind of leader are You calling?“. This concluded the discernment phase. After the break, the voting took place to nominate candidates from whom the Superior General would be chosen the following day.

The day ended with a Mass. On this occasion, it was a special Mass of the Holy Spirit, asking the Holy Spirit to enlighten the capitulants in the final vote. Edwin Borlasa, Provincial of the Philippines, presided.