Second Pre-Chapter Online Session, May 31, 2023

The second Pre-Chapter online session for the General Chapter held on May 31 has been very important. Facilitators of the General Chapter Assembly in September Ms. Frances Heery and Br. Joe McKee FMS were introduced to participants, and they explained the importance of the current moment in our Congregation, and they said that this is an opportunity for us all. Synodality is one of the keys for that future.

The main theme of the General Chapter is the encounter of the disciples of Emmaus with Jesus.  Pre-Chapter facilitator Humberto Henriques, msc read the Gospel (Luke 24) and invited the delegates and Chapter staff to reflect on this text. All the reflections were shared in the chat and displayed with a ‘word cloud‘.

After this, co-facilitator Chris Chaplin, msc, spoke about Spirituality of the Heart. In concrete, he explained the ‘four movements’: Encounter – Intimacy – Conversion – Mission.  He led the participants of this second Pre-Chapter online session through a reflective exercise to connect to these movements in their own lives.  From this he highlighted that this framework would be the structure and process of the Chapter itself.  Secondly, he explained briefly the process of Communal Wisdom which encourages deep listening from the perspective of the whole congregation.

General Chapter Online Preparation May 31

Then, in small groups, the men and women delegates attending these pre-chapter sessions shared with one another what from this process spoke to them. 

Finally, Humberto gave a big thank you to all who attended, especially Frances and Joe, and acknowledged the great work of the Zoom Hosting Team and Translators who made possible this second session.

The next Pre-Chapter online session is to be held on June 20 and 21, at the same time.