Hearts Burning Within Us

The theme of the 2023 General Chapter reminds us of our experience of Communal Wisdom – we listen attentively to Jesus as he walks along with us. We listen because what he says resonates deeply with our experience, just as the two disciples on their way home to Emmaus encountered the risen Jesus amid their …

Making Connections

The following are reflections offered by Fr. Abzalón, the Superior General, at the 2019 General Conference in Busan, South Korea. He was illustrating the four movements of Spirituality of the heart as he had experienced them in his accompaniment of members across the Congregation. ENCOUNTERWe have found communities where there is a systematic disconnection, I …

Your First and Only Love

A spirituality of the Heart speaks to this era desperately in need of a listening heart – a discerning heart. Pope Francis says in Gaudette et Exsultate; “Discernment is necessary not only at extraordinary times, when we need to resolve grave problems and make crucial decisions. It is a means of spiritual combat for helping us …