The day began with the daily Communal Wisdom Prayer (Mark 6:30-34), personal reflection, and subsequent sharing in prayer groups.
Ho Tombokan, msc, Indonesian delegate, welcomed the Papua New Guinea capitulars, Fr. Sylvester To Warwakai, Provincial Superior, and the delegates, Fr. Christian Waira and Fr. Fabian Manukailona.
There were some special moments at the beginning of the day. The whole assembly congratulated Fr. Abzalon on his birthday, Fr. André Claessens on the anniversary of his first profession. and there was a remembrance for the Korean Martyrs, Ss. Andrew Kim Taegon & Companions.
The day’s work began with Frances, facilitator, who explained the main attitude that should be present in the day’s work. Following on from the reading from Emmaus, the main idea of the day was the time for sharing at the table. It was a day of accompaniment as the issues that would be dealt with by the capitulants had to do with the attitude of ‘being present on the road‘.
- General Leadership Team vision and accompaniment: The document ‘General Admin Report’ was used.
- MSC Brothers and MSC Identity: Joe, facilitator, introduced the topic with three questions:
- Jesus’ question: “Who do you say that I am?”
- “Who do you say YOU are?”
- “Who do you choose to be?”

In the afternoon session, two other themes closely related to accompaniment were also addressed:
- Initial Formation: Fr. Humberto explained the process that started from the first document written on formation 60 years ago, the Valladolid document, to the current one, “Emmaus: Formation of the Heart” with Formation as an idea of accompaniment.
- Safeguarding: The working sessions ended with a theme that the congregation has been dealing with for some time and which will also be important in the future.
The day ended with the celebration of Fr. Absalon’s birthday, where some capitulants participated in games and songs to liven up the party.