Insight from the Delegate of Central America & Mexico

Raul Ruiz commented that thanks to the virtual meetings he already knew what was going to be discussed and that it was a good work participated by everyone. He had never participated in a General Chapter before and what he has been experiencing here is that he feels part of the Congregation and not just another brother. He believes that this Chapter will mark the progress of the Congregation because of the theme of the previous work, and it will give a boost and a return to the sources as an identity. “To see ourselves as a body”, he says, “not to think of the Province, but of the Congregation. I am excited and passionate about this“.

In the Province of Central America and Mexico, he feels that they are living a beautiful moment, without major difficulties among the MSC and with a very strong missionary spirit. There are 20 people in formation and he thinks this gives them great strength. As a province, they feel in communion with the General House and are grateful for the accompaniment. They feel the need to strengthen certain commissions in the sense of mission.

He comments that there have been enriching series of dialogues in the working groups,  “it is truly a great richness of knowing how to listen to each other” and that with the experience of the Chapter, he does not feel alone, that he has all the missionaries of his province behind him and they are thinking of how to share what is said at the Chapter to all the communities.

He detects a special concern for formation, for learning a new language in order to be able to respond to mission. “I feel that we are an international congregation, that we have lived in a federation of provinces and now we live in a congregational sense, with a common house of studies… above all, thinking about what the different missions that the Congregation may ask of us, but if we are not prepared, we will not be able to respond”.

He also spoke of the awareness of respect for people with what has been said about JPIC, the protection of minors, and the authoritarianism with which people can be harmed. He stresses that “we are dealing with issues that have led us to touch on and take certain solutions,” and that this is good and beneficial for the whole Congregation. “To the extent that we read the documents and put them into practice, this will be the way to strengthen the future of the Congregation and the MSC spirit… they are a challenge“. He concludes by stressing and emphasizing the aspect of synodality as part of the organization of the Congregation.

with Raul Ruiz Mena, Provincial Superior of Central America and Mexico