Sixth Pre-Chapter Online Session, July 12, 2023

This sixth Pre-Chapter Online Session was a continuation of the last sesión. The delegates continued working on the document “The things that have been happening here these last few days”.

After the presentation by Fr Chris Chaplin, msc, Fr Humberto Henriques, msc, led the prayer moment. First, for five minutes, the delegates had a personal prayer with the question: ‘How God, are you leading me towards the Chapter?‘. In small prayer groups, they could share their faith and what is moving the Spirit in their hearts. This wasn’t a moment to think an answer for the question, It’s time to think, what God is moving in me and in us.

Then Fr Chris talked about what is the goal of these two sessions in July. He urged the delegates to be concrete in their reflection and make a list of the most important points of the document that should be considered in the General Chapter in September. It will be impossible to talk about every point, for this reason the delegates had to be as specific as possible.

Each group gave their five points. Fr Humberto led this part of the meeting.

The session finished with a summary by Fr Chris. The most repeated points were:


He explained that this work is the fruit of the group collaboration and the common wisdom process.

In conclusion, he outlined the next two sessions in August. The delegates were asked to work on a new document: ‘Our hearts were burning” – the reports from the 2021 General Conference Commissions. The most important report of these for delegates to work with in the next sessions will be the proposals of the Commission for Constitutions and Statutes.

The Chapter organisers appealed for musicians who can assist the Chapter liturgies.

The session concluded with thanks to everyone who made these sessions possible.